by Kings of Leon

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 10:34 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Only by the Night

Song Author


Tabbed by

Pirate Dave


1st → Vocals
2nd → Guitar II
3rd → Guitar I
4th → Bass Guitar
5th → Overdub
6th → Percussion
7th → Drums

File Size

49 KB




Oh, she's on-ly se-ven-te-en. Wind, an' wind, an' wound up o-ver ev'-ry thing. Bloo-dy Ma-ry break-fast bus-ting up the scene. Bro-thers frigh-tened when's a ba-by gon-na sleep. Ev-en she too sails a-way-ay-ay. Said it's a cul-mi-na-tion of a sto-ry an' a good-bye se-ssion. It's the tick of our time an' the tick in her head that mades me feel so stra-ange. So I could call you ba-by, I could call you da-mmit it's just one in a mill-'on-o-on. Oh, it's the rol-lin' of your Spa-nish ton-gue that made me wan-na sta-ay. Oh, she's on-ly se-ven-teen. Wind, an' wind, an' wound up o-ver ev'-ry thi-ing. Bloo-dy Ma-ry break-fast bus-ting up the scene. Bro-thers frigh-tened when's a ba-by gon-na sleep. Ev-en she too sails a-way-ay-ay. Said it's a cul-mi-na-tion of a sto-ry an' a good-bye se-ssion. It's the tick of our time an' the tick in her head that mades me feel so stra-a-ange. So I could call you ba-by, I could call you da-mmit it's just one in a mill-'on-o-on. Oh, it's the rol-lin' of your Spa-nish ton-gue that made me wan-na stay. I could call you ba-by, I could call you da-mmit it's just one in a mill-'on-o-on. Oh, it's the rol-lin' of your Spa-nish ton-gue that made me wan-na stay.